
De Blauwdruk 'De Stapel. Een verticaal, circulair bedrijfsgebouw voor gestapelde productie'

Study commissioned by
Intercommunale Leiedal
Interreg North Sea Region Circ-NSR

Transdisciplinary design team
TRANS architectuur stedenbouw, FALLOW, BC architects and studies, Arcadis, Rasschaert Advocaten, Connect Communicatie Bureau

April 2023

KU Leuven Faculty of Architecture, campus Sint-Lucas Brussel

"A vertical circular industrial building for stacked production": a faraway future or closer than you think?

If it depends on Intercommunal Leiedal, it is the second option. If companies can share space, reduced land occupation and less paved terrain is needed and we can reuse materials. This also creates opportunities to further develop the landscape around the site. But of course, practical, construction-technical and legal-financial questions also arise. Leiedal appointed the TRANS-FALLOW-BC-ARCADIS-CONNECT-RASSCHAERT multidisciplinary consortium to devise building scenarios, solve circular issues and examine legal-financial options. During 2022, these scenarios were tested through workshops with industry builders, business leaders, architects, investors and legal experts. The publication presents the results of this research and the blueprint for the business parks of the future.

Publication available here